1991 – Second Triennial Conference

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1991 – Second Triennial Conference

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Proceedings of the
Second Triennial Conference on Buildings and Structures subject to Mine Subsidence

Maitland, 25th to 27th August 1991

Title page, foreword, contents
Mine Subsidence – The Phenomenon in Retrospect and Anticipation K.H.R. Moelle 12
The Planning Gap P.J. Murray 19
The Failure of the Mining Industry to Recognise the Community as its Partner H. Philippa 28
Brickwork for Mine Subsidence Prone Sites M. Granger 35
Case Studies – Design of Buildings Subject to Mine Subsidence I.J. Bray 39
Monitoring of Mine Subsidence Effects Adjacent to Cataract Reservoir P. Reid 46
The Experience of Mining Under Public Utility Installations in New South Wales L. Holla 57
A Note on Escarpment Instability Associated with Mining Subsidence P.J.N. Pells 66
Modern Underground Coal Mining Techniques and Communities: Fair Go or Fair Game L.G. Mead 74
The Impact of Subsidence on Rural Lands and Improvements from a Legal and Social Perspective D. White 97
Lloyd Avenue Chain Valley Bay Mine Subsidence Restoration, Stage 1 – a Case Study D.M. Yee
A.J. Geddes
C.G. Simpson
Project Management of Mine Subsidence Board Requirements in Major Restoration Works R. Armstrong
T. Peake
Restoration Works at Chain Valley Bay Following Mine Subsidence C. Jenkins 140
Three Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Subsidence Along Upper Cordeaux Trunk Mains L.J. Wardle
K.E. McNabb
R. W. Raper
Measurement, Display, Analysis and Prediction of Surface Deformations Due to Mine Subsidence in Australia P. Hornby
P. Willey
S. Ditton
Z.H. Li
The Impact of Soil Shrink/Swell Movements on Subsidence Monitoring of House Site above Longwall 3, West Wallsend Colliery M.G. Colwell
C.P. Thorne
Surface Strain Monitoring above Subsiding Longwall Panels at Wyee and Liddell State Mines, NSW G.H. McNally 200
Microseismic Applications of Acoustic Emission Techniques B.R.A. Wood
R.W. Harris
Lessons for Mine Subsidence from Reactive Clay Design P.F Walsh 219
Subsidence Resistant Masonry Housing R.J. White
A. W. Page
The Swansea Bends Deviation Project – Construction of a Highway Deviation Involving the Stabilisation of Old Mine Workings J.E. Kopandy
C. Francis
The Bulk Infilling of Mines with Rock Paste to allow Surface Development P.A. Braithwaite
A. Phillips