1998 – Fourth Triennial Conference

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1998 – Fourth Triennial Conference

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Proceedings of the MSTS 4th triennial conference on buildings and structures subject to ground movement

Newcastle, 11th-13th July 1998

Title page, foreword, contents
The Ground – More than a Surface to Build on R.W. Seedsman 3
Mine Subsidence – What Does the Law Say Today? D. White 7
A Reappraisal of Mine Subsidence Damage to Residential Structures L. Holla 15
Application of a UK subsidence Numerical Modelling Methodology to some Australian Case Studies N. Mohammad,P.W. Lloyd
and D.J.Reddish
The Effects of Conglomerate Channels on Longwall Mining and Surface Subsidence M. Creech 41
Development of the Incremental Profile Method of Predicting Subsidence and its Application in the Newcastle Coalfield. A.A. Waddington and
D.R . Kay
The Modelling of Subsidence Movements in the Cataract River Gorge and the Cataract Tunnel. A.A. Waddington and
D.R. Kay
Reinforcement Design of the Cataract Water Tunnel to Withstand Longwall Subsidence W.J. Gale, M.W. Fabjanczyk,
C. Robinson and
I. Landon-Jones
The Serviceability Behaviour of Masonry Subjected to Mine Subsidence or Shrink-Swell Effects A.R.M. Muniruzzaman and
A.W. Page
Development and Full Scale Testing of a Mine Subsidence Resistant Masonry House R.J White and A.W. Page 117
Ground Movements Associated with Loy Yang Power Mine. S. Newcombe 131
Subsidence Monitoring at Wambo Colliery using Photogrammetric Techniques D. Clark and G.E. Holt 143
Horizontal Movements around Cataract Dam, Southern Coalfield P. Reid 157
Protecting Transmission Lines from the Effects of Mine Subsidence P. Davis 171
Planning for Time-Dependant Subsidence Gang Li and M. Smith 181
Pillar Design to Control Subsidence at Moonee Colliery K.W. Mills and J.L. Edwards 189
Coal Mining in Urban Areas of Germany and Poland N.P. Alston 195
Restoration Project at Buff Point Following Mine Subsidence L.D. Appleyard, R.G. Hanson,
T.W. Hole and S. Lusted.
Case Study : Remediation of Old Lambton Colliery Workings Beneath Extensions to Western Suburbs Leagues Club, New Lambton S.G. Ditton and A.B. Love 223