2004 – Sixth Triennial Conference

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2004 – Sixth Triennial Conference

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Proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Conference on Coal Mine Subsidence – Subsidence Management Issues

Maitland, NSW 31st Oct- 2nd Nov 2004

Title Author Page
Cover page    
Applying risk principles to the management of mine subsidence – the SMP Guideline G. Li  
Applications to mine near dams in New South Wales P. Reid 1
Hydrogeological impact of shallow longwall mining at West Wallsend Colliery I. Forster, S. Beikoff, P. Amidy 9
Shallow longwalls and near surface aquifers – progress report on ACARP Project C13009 R. Seedsman, R. Byrnes, A. Dawkins, P. Fameli 23
Understanding upland swamps in the Illawarra: The relationship of swamps and subsidence G. Brassington, C. Horsley 29
Mitigation of subsidence impacts at Marhnyes Hole Rockbar K. Mills, G. Brassington, G. Poole, R. Walsh, J. Wood, P. Riley, L. Fredericks 41
The effects of mining subsidence on rockbars in the Waratah Rivulet at Metropolitan Colliery K. Mills, B. Huuskes 47
Back analysis of sub-critical subsidence events in the Newcastle Coalfield using voussoir beam concepts R. Seedsman 65
A new empirical subsidence prediction and geological influence assessment model for the Newcastle Coalfield S. Ditton 75
Three dimensional numerical modelling of abandoned bord and pillar workings S. Mackenzie, I. Clarke 91
Application of computer modelling in the understanding of caving and induced hydraulic conductivity about longwall panels W. Gale 101
Challenges for assessment of tilt impacts due to mining a series of longwalls A. Waddington, D. Kay 107
Pipeline stress mitigation for mine subsidence effects at Simpsons Creek, Appin M. Cheng, P. Colvin 119
The reliability of ground movement predictions based on AS2870 S. Fityus, M. Delaney, D. Smith 125
Beltana Mine – A case study on a proactive approach to managing and monitoring the impacts of mine subsidence D. O’Brien 137
Buried pipelines subjected to mining-induced ground movements: numerical analysis of the impact and development of mitigation concepts D. Ho, G. Dominish 151
Risk management of subsidence uncertainties G. Li 161
The undermining of railways A. Waddington, J. Barbato 173
Mine subsidence and building damage : a reality check L. Appleyard 183
The development of a mine subsidence constraints map for the Hunter Economic Zone (HEZ) industrial lands project R. Kingsland, G. Holt 195
Coal pillar stability considerations for surface protection D. Hill, P. Buddery 209
Evaluating coal mine subsidence at Wonthaggi (Vic) W. Peck 219
A synthesis of results of subsurface investigation of abandoned mine workings with reference to the Borehole seam workings under Newcastle G. Hawkins, R. Ramage 227
Ground subsidence above civil tunnels due to construction dewatering W. Peck